

Digital Maturity Assessment

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The Proximus Group is the largest telecommunications company in Belgium, headquartered in Brussels. The group reported a revenue of about 6 billion euro in 2016 and employs over 12.000 people. Its offerings include fixed line and mobile communications through the Proximus brand and ICT services to the professional market under the Telindus brand.


In early 2017, Scopernia was asked by the Proximus Corporate University and E-Transformation team to help them with the so-called Digital Adoption track. This track, supporting the group strategy, was aimed at ensuring digital adoption by Proximus customers and employees within the scope of the Digital Proximus Transversal. Several programs and initiatives about digital and culture were already ongoing but there was no clear common language or understanding of the impact of digital on the skills & competences that will be needed in order to stay successful in an increasingly disruptive world. Specifically, our objective was threefold:

  1. Create awareness about the impact of digital and the need for digital skills within ten divisions of CBU (Consumer Business Unit) and CUO (Customer Operations).
  2. Assess the digital readiness of our target group, level 1 employees in said divisions (totalling over 900 employees), both in their mindset towards digital as in their digital proficiency on the job.
  3. Provide a list of recommendations for training based on the digital readiness of the employees to increase the overall digital readiness within Proximus.

Our approach

To start off, we organised an introduction workshop with the division heads during which we focused on creating awareness, bringing inspiration and showcasing the impact of digital innovation in the telecommunication industry on Proximus. Through the use of our methodology, we assessed the impact of digital on Proximus’ product & business model, customer relationship, market& competition and internal organization. The identification of opportunities and threats allowed us to create a high-level strategic frame and common language amongst the division heads, that formed the base for the rest of the track.

We then used the same evidence of disruption we showed the division heads to organize a road show through the ten divisions of our target group. It was paramount to us to involve all the employees and immerse them in the world of digital. During this road show, we gave inspiring keynotes to all the level 1 employees that were immediately followed by a group exercise, allowing them to actually speak up. This group exercise was aimed at making each employee determine for him- or herself which trend would be most important for Proximus in the next 3 to 5 years, as well as a reflective question on the digital skills that would be needed to successfully master these trends.

The next step was to assess the digital readiness of our target group. Each employee would receive two surveys after they attended the road show sessions: one inquiring about the use of digital in their private life (which was the same for all divisions, using the standardized Scopernia methodology and scoring) and one inquiring about the use of and insight in digital for their job, as well as their overall mindset towards available tools and the added value of technology. This second survey was tailored to each division, which is why we held one-to-one meetings with division heads to determine the focus and topics that would be featured in the second survey.