Re-born Duval Union Consulting becomes Scopernia

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“A new style of consulting needs a suitable name.”

Ghent, 18 February 2020 – The management of Duval Union Consulting announces, on behalf of CEO Nils van Dam and founders Jo Caudron and Dado Van Peteghem, that the company will continue as of today under the name Scopernia. The new name embodies a new style of consulting.

Nils van Dam: “We are convinced that organizations need to broaden their perspective if they want to transform successfully. A few years ago, it was enough to anticipate digital disruptions. Today it is necessary to understand all major social changes in the areas of work, housing, mobility, sustainability, health and living. Companies are gradually realizing that a future-proof plan can only be written based on holistic, cross-sectoral insights”.

New vision, new name, new location

“Our old name fitted perfectly with what we used to do. But our current approach to transformation, innovation, partnerships and purpose required a new name that better covers the load: Scopernia. Our new name stands for ‘scope’, ‘Copernican revolution’ and ‘purpose’. A new era has dawned, a turbulent time, for which we as an agency are completely ready. In terms of expertise, network and people. Our name symbolizes this new era,” says Jo Caudron. Moreover, on the 1st of March we will move to a new office at Belfortstraat 12, 9000 Ghent. Our new office breathes our new style. We will, of course, remain an active member of the Duval Union ecosystem.

Core values of Scopernia

Dado Van Peteghem: “The values of our reborn company are “fearless, different and entrepreneurial”. These core values match what is needed in this brand-new decade. We are fully ready to help companies in building and implementing future-oriented, transformative and purpose-led strategies. We have a fresh view about building partnerships and eco-systems. We have a deep expertise in accelerating companies by guiding innovation in product, service or business model.”

Why choose Scopernia

Compared to other consulting firms, we are completely different. We are the only agency with both the curriculum and the network to challenge and support management teams with their strategic thinking. In an inspiring and energetic way, we co-create surprising new insights, build strategies and help to execute them.

Interested in a conversation about a future full of opportunities and challenges?
Call or email us and we will be happy to drop by.

Nils van Dam, Jo Caudron, Dado Van Peteghem
Founding Partners Scopernia

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