Together we unfold a profound long-term vision and perspective. We recognise opportunities, we redirect your attention and we reinvent your operations.


See societal & digital disruptions and understand their impact
Create a future vision including value creation for society
Create a transformation strategy for and beyond digital
Enable your organisation through governance, skills and cultural change

We’ve co-created transformation strategies for more than 150 companies. Our cross-industry insights enable us to see further than your own industry and understand cross-industrial and societal impact for your organization.

Read our vision and approach in the books ‘The World is Round’ and ‘Digital Transformation’


Build a solution for permanent trendwatching
Translate this in innovations and opportunities
Build strong and agile business cases
Create and launch new products, services and ventures

We help follow new trends, evolutions and challenges and set up a process and culture for permanent innovation. We provide strategic frameworks to build ventures and co-create MVP’s that appeals to (future) a world of tomorrow.

Read our vision and approach in the book ‘Corporate Venturing’


Understand the power of collaboration and ecosystems
Create sustainable growth plans
Build trustful partnerships for future growth
Develop and run a successful Metasystem

We strive for growth of people, society, your industry and your company. It is imperative to work together with cross- industrial organisations to materialise your transformational growth ambitions. We can help you connect with other players to create a disproportionate advantage.

Read our vision and approach in the book ‘Metasystems’

We inspire, educate and activate

We coach, connect and consult organisations to prepare for a changing world

Be inspired by one of our eye-opening stories about societal transformation, digital transformation, corporate venturing, customer innovation and ecosystems.

We have written several bestselling books like Digital Transformation, Corporate Venturing, The World Is Round and Metasystems where we analyse disruptive trends and look for future opportunities.

Looking for inspiration, answers or insights? We debate, debunk and develop. Obviously, we love to address any audience, but we are great listeners as well. Let’s connect.